Elsevier Science, 1983, 228 pages
One expects a soil physics book from Wageningen to be good and this book lives up to that expectation. This book is not meant to be ‘just another textbook’ on Soil Physics. Instead, it presents a different approach to teaching students the basic principles of Soil Physics. The main idea is that students should be forced to think through and apply immediately what they read. To achieve this goal, the text is written mostly in rather short paragraphs and is alteated with questions. Many questions are an integral part of the transfer of knowledge; these, in particular, should be answered by the student before he continues. The student can check his answers with those given at the end of each chapter.
Composition and physical properties of soils
Equilibrium in force fields and theory of potentials
Static equilibria in soils
General concepts of transport processes in soil
Flow of water in soil
Gas transport in soil
Heat transport in soil
One expects a soil physics book from Wageningen to be good and this book lives up to that expectation. This book is not meant to be ‘just another textbook’ on Soil Physics. Instead, it presents a different approach to teaching students the basic principles of Soil Physics. The main idea is that students should be forced to think through and apply immediately what they read. To achieve this goal, the text is written mostly in rather short paragraphs and is alteated with questions. Many questions are an integral part of the transfer of knowledge; these, in particular, should be answered by the student before he continues. The student can check his answers with those given at the end of each chapter.
Composition and physical properties of soils
Equilibrium in force fields and theory of potentials
Static equilibria in soils
General concepts of transport processes in soil
Flow of water in soil
Gas transport in soil
Heat transport in soil