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  • добавлен 04 октября 2011 г.
Nijenhuis A., Wilf H.S. Combinatorial Algorithms for Computers and Calculators
Издательство Academic Press, 1978, -316 pp.
Описан набор эффективных по скорости и памяти комбинаторных алгоритмов. Содержит подробное описание алгоритмов и код на Фортране.
Combinatorial families.
Next Subset of an n-Set.
Random Subset of an n-Set.
Next k-Subset of an n-Set.
Random k-Subset of an n-Set.
Next Composition of n into k Parts.
Random Composition of n into k Parts.
Next Permutation of n Letters.
Random Permutation of n Letters.
Next Partition of Integer n.
Random Partition of Integer n.
Next Partition of n-Set.
Random Partition of n-Set.
Sequencing, Ranking and Selection Algorithms in General Combinatorial Families.
Young Tableaux.
Combinatorial Structures.
The Cycle Structure of Permutation.
Renumbering Rows and Columns of an Array.
Spanning Forest of a Graph.
Newton Forms of Polinomial.
Chromatic Polinomial of a Graf.
Composition of Power Series.
Network Flows.
The Permanent Function.
nvert a Triangular Array.
Triangular Numbering of a Partially Ordered Set.
The M?bius Function.
The Backtrack Method.
Labeled Trees.
Random Unlabeled Rooted Trees.
Tree of Minimal Length.
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