Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, 2001, 494 pp. - ISBN
Эта книга предназначена для тех, кто интересуется применением метода Монте-Карло в классической статистической механике. Она будет полезной в курсах «методы моделирования», «статистическая физика». Книга, также может использоваться для самообразования студентами и опытными исследователями, которые хотят узнать больше о методе Монте-Карло и некоторых новых современные методах моделирования, которые появились в последнее десятилетие или около того.
This book is intended for those who are interested in the use of Monte Carlo simulations in classical statistical mechanics. It would be suitable for use in a course on simulation methods or on statistical physics. It would also be a good choice for those who wish to teach themselves about Monte Carlo methods, or for experienced researchers who want to lea more about some of the sophisticated new simulation techniques which have appeared in the last decade or so. The primary goal of the book is to explain how to perform Monte Carlo simulations efficiently.
Equilibrium Monte Carlo simulations. The principles of equilibrium thermal Monte Carlo simulation. The Ising model and the Metropolis algorithm. Other algorithms for the Ising model. The conserved-order-parameter Ising model. Disordered spin models. Ice models. Analysing Monte Carlo data. Out-of-equilibrium Monte Carlo simulations. Non-equilibrium simulations of the Ising model. Monte Carlo simulations in surface science. The repton model. Lattices and data structures. Monte Carlo simulations on parallel computers. Multispin coding. Random numbers. References. Appendices. Index.
Эта книга предназначена для тех, кто интересуется применением метода Монте-Карло в классической статистической механике. Она будет полезной в курсах «методы моделирования», «статистическая физика». Книга, также может использоваться для самообразования студентами и опытными исследователями, которые хотят узнать больше о методе Монте-Карло и некоторых новых современные методах моделирования, которые появились в последнее десятилетие или около того.
This book is intended for those who are interested in the use of Monte Carlo simulations in classical statistical mechanics. It would be suitable for use in a course on simulation methods or on statistical physics. It would also be a good choice for those who wish to teach themselves about Monte Carlo methods, or for experienced researchers who want to lea more about some of the sophisticated new simulation techniques which have appeared in the last decade or so. The primary goal of the book is to explain how to perform Monte Carlo simulations efficiently.
Equilibrium Monte Carlo simulations. The principles of equilibrium thermal Monte Carlo simulation. The Ising model and the Metropolis algorithm. Other algorithms for the Ising model. The conserved-order-parameter Ising model. Disordered spin models. Ice models. Analysing Monte Carlo data. Out-of-equilibrium Monte Carlo simulations. Non-equilibrium simulations of the Ising model. Monte Carlo simulations in surface science. The repton model. Lattices and data structures. Monte Carlo simulations on parallel computers. Multispin coding. Random numbers. References. Appendices. Index.