Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2005, 449 pp.
- ISBN -13 978-0-521-84238-9
Это новое обновленное издание по всем аспектам метода Монте-Карло в моделировании сложных физических систем в физике конденсированных состояний и статистической механике, а также в смежных областях, например, в химии полимеров, решеточной калибровочной теории, в биохимии.
This new and updated deals with all aspects of Monte Carlo simulation of complex physical systems encountered in condensed-matter physics and statistical mechanics as well as in related fields, for example polymer science, lattice gauge theory and protein folding.
Introduction. Some necessary background.
Simple sampling Monte Carlo methods. Importance sampling Monte Carlo methods.
More on importance sampling Monte Carlo methods for lattice systems.
Off-lattice models.
Reweighting methods.
Quantum Monte Carlo methods.
Monte Carlo renormalization group methods.
Non-equilibrium and irreversible processes.
Lattice gauge models: a brief introduction.
A brief review of other methods of computer simulation.
Monte Carlo methods outside of physics.
Outlook. Appendix. Index.
Это новое обновленное издание по всем аспектам метода Монте-Карло в моделировании сложных физических систем в физике конденсированных состояний и статистической механике, а также в смежных областях, например, в химии полимеров, решеточной калибровочной теории, в биохимии.
This new and updated deals with all aspects of Monte Carlo simulation of complex physical systems encountered in condensed-matter physics and statistical mechanics as well as in related fields, for example polymer science, lattice gauge theory and protein folding.
Introduction. Some necessary background.
Simple sampling Monte Carlo methods. Importance sampling Monte Carlo methods.
More on importance sampling Monte Carlo methods for lattice systems.
Off-lattice models.
Reweighting methods.
Quantum Monte Carlo methods.
Monte Carlo renormalization group methods.
Non-equilibrium and irreversible processes.
Lattice gauge models: a brief introduction.
A brief review of other methods of computer simulation.
Monte Carlo methods outside of physics.
Outlook. Appendix. Index.