История Китая
История стран Азии и Африки
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  • добавлен 15 июня 2011 г.
Needham Joseph. Science and Civilisation in China
Издательство Cambridge University Press - 1954 - 374 с. Книга 1.
Science and Civilisation in China / Наука и цивилизация в Китае.
Автор Joseph Needham / Джозеф Нидхэм.
ISBN 0-521-05799-X.
Язык English / Английский.

Cambridge University Press, 1954 - Founded by Joseph Needham CH FRS FBA, 1900-1995.
The Science and Civilisation in China series is the work of Joseph Needham and an inteational team of collaborators, and is published by Cambridge University Press in seven volumes. From volume 4 onwards each volume is divided into a number of parts. The project is now proceeding under the guidance of the Publications Board of the Needham Research Institute, chaired by Christopher Cullen.
Only those parts of SCC already published, or for which MSS are complete and in the hands of the Press, are listed here. Other parts are in course of preparation. If you wish to order copies of any SCC volume or to enquire about prices, contact Cambridge University Press.
VOL. I. Introductory Orientations. Joseph Needham, with the research assistance of Wang Ling (1954)
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