London, New York, Toronto: Longmans, 1954. - 308 с. Third Edition.
На английском языке.
Первое издание книги вышло в 1937 году. Книга является старым учебником для студентов Великобритании обучавшихся в вечерних учебных заведениях страны и покрывающим основные понятия механики и электромеханики.
The primary aim with which this book was undertaken was to assist the general movement for providing a common first year course in Engineering Science for part-time students preparing for National Certificates in either Mechanical or Electrical Engineering. For this purpose a cheap book covering the various syllabuses coming into use but not going much beyond any of them appeared to be desirable.
Первое издание книги вышло в 1937 году. Книга является старым учебником для студентов Великобритании обучавшихся в вечерних учебных заведениях страны и покрывающим основные понятия механики и электромеханики.
The primary aim with which this book was undertaken was to assist the general movement for providing a common first year course in Engineering Science for part-time students preparing for National Certificates in either Mechanical or Electrical Engineering. For this purpose a cheap book covering the various syllabuses coming into use but not going much beyond any of them appeared to be desirable.