Преподавание английского языка / Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Английский язык
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  • добавлен 27 марта 2015 г.
Методика викладання англійської мови (питання з відповідями до держіспиту)
96 с.
Питання і відповіді до держіспиту по методиці викладання англійської мови (питання на англійській мові, відповіді - на українській мові.)
Aims and content of teaching English at the elementary and basic school. Analyze the realization of different aims in a school textbook.
The requirements to the level of knowledge and skills at the secondary school in the school syllabus. Supply your answer with examples.
The principle of visuality and its realization in teaching a foreign language. The role of visuality in teaching junior pupils. Illustrate your answer with visuality and explain how to use it.
The role of teaching aids in realizing new techniques of teaching English. Suggest the examples of exercises using technical aids (audio and video).
Didactic principles in teaching English, their realization in the school syllabus andschool textbooks. Supply your answer with examples from a school textbook.
Special methodological principles in teaching English. The main principles of the communicatively oriented teaching. Illustrate your answer with the examples.
The communicative approach to teaching foreign languages. Principles of communicative teaching. Give the examples of the communicative tasks for acquiring receptive and productive speech skills.
Linguistic and psychological peculiarities of teaching a foreign language to junior pupils. Analyze a lesson part and define habits and skills formed at the lesson.
The main methodological categories used in teaching a foreign language. Supply your answer with examples.
The role of exercises in teaching a foreign language. The typology of exercises. Suggest a system of exercises for teaching vocabulary.
Aims, content and principles of teaching phonetics to junior leaers. The algorithm of the formation of phonological competence. Plan the teacher’s and pupils’ activities in teaching pronunciation (use a jazz-chant).
The development of the grammatical competence: aims, tasks, content and principles of teaching grammar to intermediate leaers. The ways of presenting grammar. Supply thestages of the formation of grammatical competence with the examples (on the material of the Past Indefinite Tense).
The development of lexical competence: aims, tasks and content. The ways of presenting new vocabulary. Plan the teacher’s and pupils’ activities in presenting and training active vocabulary at the junior level.
Teaching vocabulary to intermediate leaers using active, passive, potential vocabulary according to the spheres of communication. Stages of formation of lexical competence. Suggest samples of exercises for passive and potential vocabulary.
Teaching productive language activities to intermediate leaers. Characteristic features of speaking. Give the examples of teaching speaking using speech functions.
The development of speech communicative competence of intermediate and senior leaers. Ways and stages of its formation. The ways of creating communicative situations. Supply them with the examples (on the basis of a picture, text, topic).
The development of monological competence. Types of monologues. Stages and techniques of formation. Plan a lesson part in teaching monologue on the topic: «My Native Place.
The development of speech communicative competence of senior leaers. Ways and stages of its formation. The ways of creating communicative situations. Give the examples of problem-solving situations on the topic "Travelling".
The development of writing habits and skills at the elementary level: aims, tasks, content. Plan a lesson part aimed at the development of calligraphy and spelling using games and visuality.
Teaching creative writing according to the new school syllabus: aims, tasks, stages of formation. Plan the teacher’s and pupils’ activities in teaching writing a postcard (elementary school).
Listening comprehension as a means and an aim of teaching. Chief stages of teaching and their interrelation. Suggest the teacher’s and pupils’ activities for the development of listening comprehension skills (Teacher’s Guide, Form
8. p. 16).
Teaching reading as a language activity. Modes of reading. Requirements to texts for different modes of reading. Plan the teacher’s and pupils’ activities in teaching synthetic reading (English Smart, Form
7. p. 173).
Teaching reading aloud. Techniques for teaching reading aloud. Plan a lesson part aimed at teaching reading aloud based on the text "The Birds and the Frog", pp 65-67, Form 3.
Checking the level of language acquisition. Kinds and forms of control. Using tests. Plan a lesson part aimed at checking the level of vocabulary habit formation on the topic "Food and Meals" (English Smart Unit
Planning in foreign language teaching. Kinds of plans. Structure and typology of a foreign language lesson. Analyze a lesson plan suggested.
The principles and forms of organizing extra-curricular work at school. Give the examples of using new techniques in extra-curricular work.
Using "Multiple Intelligences" theory in foreign language teaching. Suggest a lesson part aimed at the development of pupils’ multiple intelligences skills on the topic: "Travelling".
The development of socio-cultural competence at the senior school. Analyze the requirements of socio-cultural competence in school syllabus. Give the examples of socio-cultural tasks on the topic "Future Profession".
Using critical thinking in foreign language teaching. Illustrate Edvard de Bono’s technique "6 Thinking Hats" with your own examples.
Reading as a means and an aim of teaching. Modes of reading. Suggest your activities for teaching analytical reading (textbook, Your English Self, Form
9.p 105).
Похожие разделы
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Педагогика
  3. Методики преподавания
  4. Методика преподавания иностранных языков
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Языки и языкознание
  3. Английский язык
  4. Language Games and Puzzles
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Языки и языкознание
  3. Английский язык
  4. Адаптированная и учебная периодика
  5. English Teaching Professional
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Языки и языкознание
  3. Английский язык
  4. Английский язык как родной / English as a First Language
  5. Teaching English as a First Language
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Языки и языкознание
  3. Английский язык
  4. Международные экзамены
  5. CELTA
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Языки и языкознание
  3. Английский язык
  4. Международные экзамены
  5. TKT
  1. Академическая и специальная литература
  2. Языки и языкознание
  3. Английский язык
  4. Наглядно-дидактический материал
  1. Учебные планы, программы и нормативная документация
  2. Для начальной школы
  3. Английский язык
  1. Учебные планы, программы и нормативная документация
  2. Для средней школы
  3. Английский язык
  1. Учебные планы, программы и нормативная документация
  2. Языки и языкознание
  3. Английский язык