Теорія та практика усного двостороннього перекладу для студентів
факультету перекладачів та факультету заочного та вечірнього
навчання. Навчальний посібник. Київ: «Ленвіт»,
2007. страницы 244-249 и 262-275 Contents:
Abbreviations and specialist registers used in the book.
How to use this book.
Guide to spelling traditions.
Guide topronounciation (IPA standards).
Basic approaches to translation and interpretation.
Interpreting as interlingual and cross-cultural Communication.
Perception and understanding of messages in Interpreting.
Types of contexts and contextual relationships in oral discourse.
Semantic aspects of interpretation.
Semantic redundancy of oral messages Interpreter's note-taking.
Lexical aspects of interpretation.
"Gaps" in perception of oral discourse and ways of "filling them in" in interpreting.
Basic notions and principles of simultaneous Interpretation.
Functional system of simultaneous interpretation. Anticipation in simultaneous interpretation.
Compression and expansion in simultaneous Interpretation.
Grammatical difficulties typical of interpretation.
Some tools and techniques of simultaneous interpreting in the environment of complicated multilingual communication.
Keys to practical assignments.
List of reference sources.
List of the inteet resources.
2007. страницы 244-249 и 262-275 Contents:
Abbreviations and specialist registers used in the book.
How to use this book.
Guide to spelling traditions.
Guide topronounciation (IPA standards).
Basic approaches to translation and interpretation.
Interpreting as interlingual and cross-cultural Communication.
Perception and understanding of messages in Interpreting.
Types of contexts and contextual relationships in oral discourse.
Semantic aspects of interpretation.
Semantic redundancy of oral messages Interpreter's note-taking.
Lexical aspects of interpretation.
"Gaps" in perception of oral discourse and ways of "filling them in" in interpreting.
Basic notions and principles of simultaneous Interpretation.
Functional system of simultaneous interpretation. Anticipation in simultaneous interpretation.
Compression and expansion in simultaneous Interpretation.
Grammatical difficulties typical of interpretation.
Some tools and techniques of simultaneous interpreting in the environment of complicated multilingual communication.
Keys to practical assignments.
List of reference sources.
List of the inteet resources.