История стран Азии и Африки
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  • добавлен 13 июля 2016 г.
Lustig E. Power and Pragmatism in the Political Economy of Angkor
Australia: University of Sydney, 2009. — 281 p.
Лустиг Э. Власть и прагматизм в политической экономии Ангкорского царства (на англ. яз.)
Table of Contents:
The political economy of the Khmer Empire: an introduction.
Debates about political economies: empires and large states.
The resources and economic basis of the Khmer empire.
Debates about money, markets and trade.
The inscriptions: an introduction.
Political processes: measures of central influence.
Economic processes: money, markets and trade.
Ideological processes: rulers, elites and foundations.
The political economy: a synthesis.
Power and pragmatism: conclusions.