Учебное пособие на английском языке. — Пер. на
англ. Ю. Л. Купиной. – Белгород: Изд-во БГТУ, 2011. – 66 с.
В данном учебном пособии представлены фундаментальные понятия и
определения дисциплины «Безопасность жизнедеятельности». Основное
внимание уделено физиологии работы, здоровья и безопасности
человека в техносфере, оценке влияния опасностей на человека и
защите в чрезвычайных ситуациях, также предложены тестовые задания.
Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов всех специальностей и
направлений бакалавров и магистров. Данное издание публикуется в
авторской редакции.
In the given edition the basic sections of discipline "Safety of human activities" are stated, the systematized minimum of knowledge opening the basic concepts and definitions is presented. Scientifically-practical knowledge in the field of physiology of work, health and safety of the person in a technosphere, an estimation of influence of dangers on the person is given, to protection in emergency situations, and also control tests. The textbook is intended for students of all specialities and directions of training of experts and bachelors. Contents
Bases of industrial safety, main concepts, terms and determinations
Physiology of labour
Physiology of labour and comfort conditions of life activity Classification of human’s activity principal forms. Physical labour and intellectual work. Difficulty and tension of labour. Methods of labour difficulty rating
Microclimate. Hygienic normalization of microclimate parameters of production and non production workplace
Human and environment
Negative factors in the system "person – the environment” The Classification of negative factors: natural, anthropogenic and technogenic, physical, chemical, biological, psychophysical; traumatic and harmful factors. Probability (risk) and levels of the negative factors influence. Criterions of safety
Negative factors of technosphere, their influence on person, technosphere and environment
Environment pollution by waste
Air pollution
Hydrosphere pollution
Ground pollution
Energy pollution of technosphere
Vibrations and acoustic vibrations
Electric current
Anthropogenic dangers
Production ambience
Emergency situations
Basic concepts and definitions
Classification of emergency situations
Emergency situation of technogenic character
Emergency situation of natural character
Emergency situation of ecological character
Stages of emergency situations development
An estimation of zones of defeat at explosions
Control test
In the given edition the basic sections of discipline "Safety of human activities" are stated, the systematized minimum of knowledge opening the basic concepts and definitions is presented. Scientifically-practical knowledge in the field of physiology of work, health and safety of the person in a technosphere, an estimation of influence of dangers on the person is given, to protection in emergency situations, and also control tests. The textbook is intended for students of all specialities and directions of training of experts and bachelors. Contents
Bases of industrial safety, main concepts, terms and determinations
Physiology of labour
Physiology of labour and comfort conditions of life activity Classification of human’s activity principal forms. Physical labour and intellectual work. Difficulty and tension of labour. Methods of labour difficulty rating
Microclimate. Hygienic normalization of microclimate parameters of production and non production workplace
Human and environment
Negative factors in the system "person – the environment” The Classification of negative factors: natural, anthropogenic and technogenic, physical, chemical, biological, psychophysical; traumatic and harmful factors. Probability (risk) and levels of the negative factors influence. Criterions of safety
Negative factors of technosphere, their influence on person, technosphere and environment
Environment pollution by waste
Air pollution
Hydrosphere pollution
Ground pollution
Energy pollution of technosphere
Vibrations and acoustic vibrations
Electric current
Anthropogenic dangers
Production ambience
Emergency situations
Basic concepts and definitions
Classification of emergency situations
Emergency situation of technogenic character
Emergency situation of natural character
Emergency situation of ecological character
Stages of emergency situations development
An estimation of zones of defeat at explosions
Control test