Publisher: Springer Publication: 2009, English ISBN: 9780387355443
Pages: 3752
The multi-volume Encyclopedia of Database Systems provides easy access to relevant information on all aspects of very large databases, data management, and database systems. Over 1,400 illustrated essays and definitional entries, organized alphabetically, present basic terminology, concepts, methods and data processing algorithms, key results to date, references to the literature, and cross-references to other entries and joual articles. Topics for the Encyclopedia †including areas of current interest as well as research results of historical significance †were selected by a distinguished inteational advisory board and written by world class experts in the field.
The Encyclopedia of Database Systems is designed for a wide audience including researchers, graduate and undergraduate students, and other professionals and practitioners. Database specialists, software developers, scientists and engineers who need to deal with structured, semi-structured or unstructured large datasets will benefit from this comprehensive reference. In addition, database and data mining researchers and scholars in the many areas that apply database technologies, such as artificial intelligence, software engineering, robotics and computer vision, machine leaing, finance and marketing will also benefit from the Encyclopedia.
Publication by Springer is planned for fall 2008; the Encyclopedia of Database Systems will be available as a multi-volume set and an online reference work.
The multi-volume Encyclopedia of Database Systems provides easy access to relevant information on all aspects of very large databases, data management, and database systems. Over 1,400 illustrated essays and definitional entries, organized alphabetically, present basic terminology, concepts, methods and data processing algorithms, key results to date, references to the literature, and cross-references to other entries and joual articles. Topics for the Encyclopedia †including areas of current interest as well as research results of historical significance †were selected by a distinguished inteational advisory board and written by world class experts in the field.
The Encyclopedia of Database Systems is designed for a wide audience including researchers, graduate and undergraduate students, and other professionals and practitioners. Database specialists, software developers, scientists and engineers who need to deal with structured, semi-structured or unstructured large datasets will benefit from this comprehensive reference. In addition, database and data mining researchers and scholars in the many areas that apply database technologies, such as artificial intelligence, software engineering, robotics and computer vision, machine leaing, finance and marketing will also benefit from the Encyclopedia.
Publication by Springer is planned for fall 2008; the Encyclopedia of Database Systems will be available as a multi-volume set and an online reference work.