Material for this white paper was modified from Refactoring
Databases: Evolutionary Database Design (Addison Wesley 2006) and
the Jolt-Productivity Award winning Agile Database Techniques:
Effective Strategies for the Agile Software Developer (Wiley
Publishing 2004). – 13 pages.
The goal of the Agile Data (AD) method is to define strategies that enable IT professionals to work together effectively on the data aspects of software systems. This isn’t to say that AD is a one size fits all methodology. Instead, consider AD as a collection of philosophies that will enable software developers within your organization to work together effectively when it comes to the data aspects of software-based systems. These philosophies in tu are supported by a collection of techniques which support an evolutionary, iterative and incremental, approach to software development.
The goal of the Agile Data (AD) method is to define strategies that enable IT professionals to work together effectively on the data aspects of software systems. This isn’t to say that AD is a one size fits all methodology. Instead, consider AD as a collection of philosophies that will enable software developers within your organization to work together effectively when it comes to the data aspects of software-based systems. These philosophies in tu are supported by a collection of techniques which support an evolutionary, iterative and incremental, approach to software development.