История стран Азии и Африки
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Liebhafsky des Forges A. Defeat is the Only Bad News: Rwanda under Musinga, 1896-1931
Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press, 2011. — 307 p.
Либхафски де Форж Э. Разгром - единственная плохая весть: Руанда в период правления Мусинги, 1896-1931 (на англ. яз.)
A Tumultuous Transition: The Accession of Musinga.
The Catholic Church, the German Administration, and the Nyiginya Court.
The Missionaries, the Court, and the Local Community, 1904–1910.
Musinga’s Coming of Age, 1905–1913.
Extending Court Power, 1905–1913: The Conquest of the Northe Regions.
New Europeans, New Court Tactics, 1913–1919: The Arrival of the Belgians.
Alliances That Bind—and Divide, 1919–1922: Belgian Rule and the Court.
Divide and Rule, 1922–1925: Emerging Factions at the Court.
The Rationalization of Power, 1925–1931: The Deposition of Musinga.