The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002. - 124 pages.
Professor Lemons's book has reclaimed the field of stochastic processes for physics. For too long it has been taught as a highly mathematical subject devoid of its roots in the physical sciences. Professor Lemons's book shows how the subject grew historically from early fundamental problems in physics, and how the greater minds, like Einstein, used its methods to solve problems that are still important today. The book is not only a good introduction for students, but an excellent guide for the professional. The book is very clearly set out and very easy to read. Undergraduate students and those wishing to lea about stochastic processes for the first time would enjoy the clear pedagogic presentation
Professor Lemons's book has reclaimed the field of stochastic processes for physics. For too long it has been taught as a highly mathematical subject devoid of its roots in the physical sciences. Professor Lemons's book shows how the subject grew historically from early fundamental problems in physics, and how the greater minds, like Einstein, used its methods to solve problems that are still important today. The book is not only a good introduction for students, but an excellent guide for the professional. The book is very clearly set out and very easy to read. Undergraduate students and those wishing to lea about stochastic processes for the first time would enjoy the clear pedagogic presentation