МГТА, Москва,2012 год.
На английском. History of English Перевод и переводоведение, Лекции по курсу "история языка", составлены преподавателем Микаелян Ж.А.
94 страницы Оглавление
The History of the English langua
Subject and aims of the history of English
Growth and Decay
Changes and the systemic character of language
The Common Germanic (CG or Parent Germanic)
Grammatical structure of the PIE
The verb in Common Germanic
The First Consonant Shift (Grimm’s law)
Grammatical peculiarities of Germanic languages
Principal features of Germanic word stock
Indo-European language family
Old and Mode Germanic Languages
Chronological division in the history of the English language
Brief survey of each period
The Old English period (Anglo-Saxon period)
The Middle English Period (11 – 15 c.c.)
In the ME period the number of the English speaking people increased. English spread almost all over the British Isles and penetrated into Ireland.
The New English Period
The Old English period.
Old English Dialects
The Anglo-Saxon script and peculiarities of the Old English alphabet
The Results of the GVS
Evolution of the Grammatical Structure
Grammatical structure of Old English
The declension of OE adjectives
Formation of OE Adverbs
Nominal declension
Weak Declension (consonant declension)
Root Declension
Pronominal declension (declension of pronouns)
The System of the verb in OE
Morphological classification of the verb
Weak verbs
Grammatical structure in Middle English
Nominal Declension in Middle English
Pronominal Declension in ME
Changes in the system of the verb in Middle English
The adjective in Mid.E.
Grammatical system in New English period
The System of Pronouns in NE
Changes in the System of the Verb in New English
Development of Analytical Forms
Evolution of the English vocabulary
На английском. History of English Перевод и переводоведение, Лекции по курсу "история языка", составлены преподавателем Микаелян Ж.А.
94 страницы Оглавление
The History of the English langua
Subject and aims of the history of English
Growth and Decay
Changes and the systemic character of language
The Common Germanic (CG or Parent Germanic)
Grammatical structure of the PIE
The verb in Common Germanic
The First Consonant Shift (Grimm’s law)
Grammatical peculiarities of Germanic languages
Principal features of Germanic word stock
Indo-European language family
Old and Mode Germanic Languages
Chronological division in the history of the English language
Brief survey of each period
The Old English period (Anglo-Saxon period)
The Middle English Period (11 – 15 c.c.)
In the ME period the number of the English speaking people increased. English spread almost all over the British Isles and penetrated into Ireland.
The New English Period
The Old English period.
Old English Dialects
The Anglo-Saxon script and peculiarities of the Old English alphabet
The Results of the GVS
Evolution of the Grammatical Structure
Grammatical structure of Old English
The declension of OE adjectives
Formation of OE Adverbs
Nominal declension
Weak Declension (consonant declension)
Root Declension
Pronominal declension (declension of pronouns)
The System of the verb in OE
Morphological classification of the verb
Weak verbs
Grammatical structure in Middle English
Nominal Declension in Middle English
Pronominal Declension in ME
Changes in the system of the verb in Middle English
The adjective in Mid.E.
Grammatical system in New English period
The System of Pronouns in NE
Changes in the System of the Verb in New English
Development of Analytical Forms
Evolution of the English vocabulary