Топливно-энергетический комплекс
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  • добавлен 12 апреля 2012 г.
Korin E., Roy A., Wolf D., Pasternak D., Rappaport E. A novel passive solar greenhouse based on phase-change materials (Новая пассивная теплица с аккумуляторам фазового перехода)
// Inteational Joual Sustainable Energy. – 1987. – V. 5(3). – P. 201–212.
A novel concept for a passive solar greenhouse for regions with mild winter climates is described. The concept was tested with a 660m2 prototype greenhouse. The roof of the greenhouse was made of modular double-layered transparent panels filled with a latent heat-storage material. During both night and day, the thermal performance of the test building was significantly better than that of the control glass house. The main drawback of the proposed method is that the light intensity is low in the moing until the solid Latent Heat Storage Material (LHSM) is completely melted. Therefore, practical application of this method is restricted to specific crops and climate regions.