Published by InTech. Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia. 2011.
ISBN 978-953-307-621-8, Hard cover, 488 p.
This book provides an interdisciplinary view of how to prepare the ecological and socio-economic systems to the reality of climate change. Scientifically sound tools are needed to predict its effects on regional, rather than global, scales, as it is the level at which socio-economic plans are designed and natural ecosystem reacts. The first section of this book describes a series of methods and models to downscale the global predictions of climate change, estimate its effects on biophysical systems and monitor the changes as they occur. To reduce the magnitude of these changes, new ways of economic activity must be implemented. The second section of this book explores different options to reduce greenhouse emissions from activities such as forestry, industry and urban development. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that climate change can be minimized, but not avoided, and therefore the socio-economic systems around the world will have to adapt to the new conditions to reduce the adverse impacts to the minimum. The last section of this book explores some options for adaptation.
Predicting and monitoring the effects of climate change.
Dynamical downscaling of projected 21st century climate for the Carpathian basin.
An improved dynamical downscaling for the weste united states.
Fuelling future emissions – examining fossil fuel production outlooks used in climate models.
Linking climate change and forest ecophysiology to project future trends in tree growth: a review of forest models.
Climate change detection and modeling in hydrology.
Automatic generation of land surface emissivity maps.
Space technology as the tool in climate change monitoring system.
Atmospheric aerosol optical properties and climate change in arid and semi-arid regions.
Reducing greenhouse gases emissions.
Reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD): why a robust and transparent monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) system is mandatory.
Addressing carbon leakage by border adjustment measures.
The climate change and the power industry.
Alteative energy: is a solution to the climate problem?
Energy technology leaing - key to transform into a low - carbon society.
What is green urbanism? Holistic principles to transform cities for sustainability.
Adapting to the new climate.
Methods of analysis for a sustainable production system.
The infrastructure imperative of climate change: risk-based climate adaptation of infrastructure.
Mainstreaming climate change for extreme weather events & management of disasters: an engineering challenge.
Impacts of climate change on the power industry and how it is adapting.
Protected landscapes amidst the heat of climate change policy.
Planning for species conservation in a time of climate change.
Adaptation of boreal field crop production to climate change.
Use of perennial grass in grazing systems of southe Australia to adapt to a changing climate.
Global and local effect of increasing land surface albedo as a geo-engineering adaptation/mitigation option:a study case of Mediterranean greenhouse farming.
Innovations in agricultural biotechnology in response to climate change.
This book provides an interdisciplinary view of how to prepare the ecological and socio-economic systems to the reality of climate change. Scientifically sound tools are needed to predict its effects on regional, rather than global, scales, as it is the level at which socio-economic plans are designed and natural ecosystem reacts. The first section of this book describes a series of methods and models to downscale the global predictions of climate change, estimate its effects on biophysical systems and monitor the changes as they occur. To reduce the magnitude of these changes, new ways of economic activity must be implemented. The second section of this book explores different options to reduce greenhouse emissions from activities such as forestry, industry and urban development. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that climate change can be minimized, but not avoided, and therefore the socio-economic systems around the world will have to adapt to the new conditions to reduce the adverse impacts to the minimum. The last section of this book explores some options for adaptation.
Predicting and monitoring the effects of climate change.
Dynamical downscaling of projected 21st century climate for the Carpathian basin.
An improved dynamical downscaling for the weste united states.
Fuelling future emissions – examining fossil fuel production outlooks used in climate models.
Linking climate change and forest ecophysiology to project future trends in tree growth: a review of forest models.
Climate change detection and modeling in hydrology.
Automatic generation of land surface emissivity maps.
Space technology as the tool in climate change monitoring system.
Atmospheric aerosol optical properties and climate change in arid and semi-arid regions.
Reducing greenhouse gases emissions.
Reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD): why a robust and transparent monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) system is mandatory.
Addressing carbon leakage by border adjustment measures.
The climate change and the power industry.
Alteative energy: is a solution to the climate problem?
Energy technology leaing - key to transform into a low - carbon society.
What is green urbanism? Holistic principles to transform cities for sustainability.
Adapting to the new climate.
Methods of analysis for a sustainable production system.
The infrastructure imperative of climate change: risk-based climate adaptation of infrastructure.
Mainstreaming climate change for extreme weather events & management of disasters: an engineering challenge.
Impacts of climate change on the power industry and how it is adapting.
Protected landscapes amidst the heat of climate change policy.
Planning for species conservation in a time of climate change.
Adaptation of boreal field crop production to climate change.
Use of perennial grass in grazing systems of southe Australia to adapt to a changing climate.
Global and local effect of increasing land surface albedo as a geo-engineering adaptation/mitigation option:a study case of Mediterranean greenhouse farming.
Innovations in agricultural biotechnology in response to climate change.