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  • добавлен 23 октября 2011 г.
Casper J.K. Climate Management: Solving the Problem
Facts on File, 2010, 264 pages

Global warming and climate change are urgent topics. They are discussed on the news, in conversations, and are even the subjects of horror movies.
Although the United States has been one of the largest contributors to global warming, it ranks far below countries and regions — such as Canada, Australia, and weste Europe—in taking steps to fix the damage that has been done. Global Warming is a multivolume set that explores the concept that each person is a member of a global family who shares responsibility for fixing this problem. In fact, the only way to fix it is to work together toward a common goal. This seven-volume set covers all of the important climatic issues that need to be addressed in order to understand the problem, allowing the reader to build a solid foundation of knowledge and to use the information to help solve the critical issues in effective ways. These volumes explore a multitude of topics — how climates change, leaing from past ice ages, natural factors that trigger global warming on Earth, whether the Earth can expect another ice age in the future, how the Earth’s climate is changing now, emergency preparedness in severe weather, projections for the future, and why climate affects everything people do from growing food, to heating homes, to using the Earth’s natural resources, to new scientific discoveries. They look at the impact that rising sea levels will have on islands and other areas worldwide, how individual ecosystems will be affected, what humans will lose if rain forests are destroyed, how industrialization and pollution puts peoples’ lives at risk, and the benefits of developing environmentally friendly energy resources.

The Beginning of Global Warming Management
The U.S. Political Arena
Cap and Trade and Other Mitigation Strategies
The Inteational Political Arena
Global Warming, Human Psychology, and the Media
The Stand on the Debate
Green Energy and Global Warming Research
Climate Modeling
Practical Solutions That Work—Getting Everyone Involved
The Future: What Lies Ahead
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