Грамматика / English Grammar
Английский язык
  • формат doc
  • размер 129,15 КБ
  • добавлен 11 февраля 2015 г.
Ивушкина Н.В. Грамматика английского языка, часть 1
Методические указания по английскому языку для студентов специальности 150101 «Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации» всех форм обучения / Составитель Н.В. Ивушкина. – Юрга: Издательство Юргинского технологического института (филиала) Томского политехнического университета, 2012. – 88 с.
Present Simple.
Present Continuous.
Present Simple vs Present Continuous.
Past Simple Tense.
Past Continuous Tense.
Past Simple and Past Continuous Tenses used together.
Present Perfect Tense.
Present Perfect vs Past Simple.
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect,
Past Simple and Past Continuous Compared.
Present Perfect Continuous.
Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous.
Present Perfect Continuous and Other Present Tenses.
Past Perfect Tense.
Past Perfect and Past Indefinite.
Past Perfect Continuous.
Past Tenses compared.
The use of all English tenses corresponding to the.
Past tense in Russian compared.
Future Simple Tense.
Present tenses, Future Simple and to be going to do smth.
for the future.
Future Continuous Tense.
Future Perfect Tense.
Future tenses compared.
Таблица времен.
Irregular verbs in groups.
All tenses compared.
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