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  • добавлен 21 июня 2011 г.
Isao Y., Jiro M., Noriaki T., Allen K. Materials processing by gas cluster ion beams
Article. Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports (2001)
Volume: 34, Issue: 6, Pages: 231-295
ISSN: 0927796X
DOI: 10.1016/S0927-796X(01)00034-1
This paper discusses the principles and experimental status of gas cluster ion beam (GCIB) processing as a promising surface modification technique for practical industrial applications. Theoretical and experimental characteristics of GCIB processes and of related equipment development are described from the moment of neutral cluster formation, through ionization, acceleration and impact upon a surface. The impact of an accelerated cluster ion upon a target surface imparts very high energy densities into the impact area and produces non-linear effects that are not observed in the impacts of atomic ions. Unique characteristics of GCIB bombardment have been found to offer potential for various industrial applications that cannot be achieved by conventional ion beam processing. Among prospective applications are included shallow ion implantation, high rate sputtering, surface cleaning and smoothing, and low temperature thin film formation. Sputtering effects produced by cluster ion impact are particularly interesting. High sputtering yields and lateral distribution of sputtered atoms cause surface smoothing effects which cannot be achieved with monomer ion beams. Surface smoothing to atomic levels is expected to become the first production use of GCIB.
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