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  • добавлен 23 февраля 2011 г.
Hussain Zahir M., Sadik Amin Z., O'Shea Peter. Digital Signal Processing: An Introduction with MATLAB and Applications
Эта книга попадает также под раздел
Matlab & Simulink

Springer, 2011, -350p

In three parts, this book contributes to the advancement of engineering education and that serves as a general reference on digital signal processing. Part I presents the basics of analog and digital signals and systems in the time and frequency domain. It covers the core topics: convolution, transforms, filters, and random signal analysis. It also treats important applications including signal detection in noise, radar range estimation for airboe targets, binary communication systems, channel estimation, banking and financial applications, and audio effects production. Part II considers selected signal processing systems and techniques. Core topics covered are the Hilbert transformer, binary signal transmission, phase-locked loops, sigma-delta modulation, noise shaping, quantization, adaptive filters, and non-stationary signal analysis. Part III presents some selected advanced DSP topics.
Part I Theory and Selected Applications
Analog Signals and Systems
Definitions, Classifications, and Overview
Time-Domain / Frequency-Domain Representations
Random Signals
Applications of Analog Signal Analysis
Analog Filters
Discrete and Digital Signals and Systems
Ideal Sampling and Reconstruction
Time-Domain / Frequency-Domain Representations
A Discrete-Time and Discrete-Frequency Representation
Signal Correlation, Power, and Energy
Digital Filters and Their Applications
Part II Applied Signal Processing
Selected Topics in Applied Signal Processing
Binary Signal Transmission
The Hilbert Transform and the Analytic Signal
Phase-Locked Loops
Linear Estimation and Adaptive Filtering
Sigma-Delta Modulation & Noise Shaping
Non-Stationary Signal Analysis
Part III Advanced Topics
The Impact of Finite Word length Implementation
Overview of Number Formats
The Quantization Process
Coefficient Quantization Error in Digital Filters
Quantization Errors in Arithmetic Operations
Limit Cycle Phenomena
Multirate Digital Signal Processing
Basic Elements of Multirate Processing
Sampling Rate Conversion Using Multirate Structures
Efficient Implementation of Multirate Systems
Appendix A: Tutorials
Appendix B: Miscellaneous Exercises
Appendix C: Tables and Formulas
Appendix D: Dsp Lab Experiments
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