Издательство John Wiley, 2001,- 503 pp.
Обработка сигналов на DSP чипах в реальном времени. Много примеров кода (зип на первой странице).
Introduction to Real-Time Digital Signal Processing.
Introduction to TMS320C55x Digital Signal Processor.
DSP Fundamentals and Implementation Considerations.
Frequency Analysis.
Design and Implementation of FIR Filters.
Design and Implementation of IIR Filters.
Fast Fourier Transform and its Applications.
Adaptive Filtering.
Practical DSP Applications in Communications.
A Some Useful Formulas.
B Introduction of MATLAB for DSP Applications.
C Introduction of C Programming for DSP Applications.
D About the Software.
Обработка сигналов на DSP чипах в реальном времени. Много примеров кода (зип на первой странице).
Introduction to Real-Time Digital Signal Processing.
Introduction to TMS320C55x Digital Signal Processor.
DSP Fundamentals and Implementation Considerations.
Frequency Analysis.
Design and Implementation of FIR Filters.
Design and Implementation of IIR Filters.
Fast Fourier Transform and its Applications.
Adaptive Filtering.
Practical DSP Applications in Communications.
A Some Useful Formulas.
B Introduction of MATLAB for DSP Applications.
C Introduction of C Programming for DSP Applications.
D About the Software.