Geological Survey of Finland, Report of Investigation 186, 2010.
-73 pages, -48 figures and 4 tables.
The economic interaction between the mining and quarrying industries and their consumer industries in Finland was modelled with the basic-price supply and use tables normally used for the national economy. In the use table, the use of domestic products and imported products were separated. The structures of the supply and use tables complied with the European System of Accounts (ESA 95). In the tables, economic activity was divided into industry classes in accordance with the EU-standard NACE Rev. 1.1, and economic interaction was divided into product categories in accordance with the EU product classification standard CPA2002.
Operating environment of the mining and quarrying industries
Calculations on the economic impacts of the mining and quarrying industries and their consumer industries.
The economic interaction between the mining and quarrying industries and their consumer industries in Finland was modelled with the basic-price supply and use tables normally used for the national economy. In the use table, the use of domestic products and imported products were separated. The structures of the supply and use tables complied with the European System of Accounts (ESA 95). In the tables, economic activity was divided into industry classes in accordance with the EU-standard NACE Rev. 1.1, and economic interaction was divided into product categories in accordance with the EU product classification standard CPA2002.
Operating environment of the mining and quarrying industries
Calculations on the economic impacts of the mining and quarrying industries and their consumer industries.