Ottawa: Public Works of Canada. - 1990. - 337 p.
Хадорн Жан-Кристофор Справочник по сезонному аккумулированию тепла
Настоящая книга швейцарского специалиста Жан-Кристофа Хадорна
представляет собой перевод с французского языка книги,
опубликованной в Цюрихе в 1988 г. Швейцарской ассоциацией инженеров
и архитекторов. Справочник является прекрасным введением в проблему
сезонного аккумулирования тепла. В нем отражены все достижения
науки технологий в мире по состоянию на 1988 г. Книга представляет
большой интерес для аспирантов, научных работников и всех
специалистов, интересующихся проблемой сезонного аккумулирования
солнечной энергии
Historical background
The age of the pioneers
The age of patents
The age of projects
The future Heat storage: general information and definitions
The need for energy storage
Duration of storage
Physical principles of heat storage The utility of seasonal heat storage
Solar energy
Ambient energy
Waste heat Seasonal storage of solar energy in Switzerland
Can Switzerland have self-sufficient solar homes?
Grouping consumers through centralization of seasonal storage
Quick estimate of the size of a seasonal solar store in Switzerland Different types of seasonal heat storage
Possible types of storage
Storage facilities around the world
Technical difficulties associated with temperature
Possible applications of seasonal heat storage Essential characteristics of seasonal heat storage
Characteristics of a seasonal heat store
Identification of storage needs
Capacity of a heat store
Efficiency of a seasonal store
Heat loss in seasonal stores Seasonal heat storage technologies
Convection stores
Diffusion stores
Mixed or aquifer stores Methods for calculating and dimensioning seasonal heat stores
Physical laws
Methods and tools for calculating seasonal heat stores
Methods for calculating systems comprising a seasonal heat store Incorporation of a seasonal store in a system
Selection of store type
Ways of managing a heat store in systems without a heat pump Probable heat storage cost and acceptable investment
Systems with a heat pump
Systems with make-up heat
Combination of short-term and long-term storage
The problem of domestic hot water
Probable cost of seasonal stores, based on past experience
Quick calculation of acceptable investment today
Cost of complete systems comprising seasonal heat storage
Possible reductions in heat storage costs Operational performance control
Seasonal heat storage instrumentation
Analysis of results
Environmental impact References
Seasonal heat storage
Latent heat storage and chemical heat storage
Historical background
Physical laws
Thermal properties of soils and rocks
Heat loss from stores and methods of calculation
Tanks and reservoirs
Basins, insulation and seals
Cave heat storage
Diffusion stores
Aquifer heat storage
Incorporation of a heat store in a system
Cost of storage
Performance control
Environmental impact of storage
The age of the pioneers
The age of patents
The age of projects
The future Heat storage: general information and definitions
The need for energy storage
Duration of storage
Physical principles of heat storage The utility of seasonal heat storage
Solar energy
Ambient energy
Waste heat Seasonal storage of solar energy in Switzerland
Can Switzerland have self-sufficient solar homes?
Grouping consumers through centralization of seasonal storage
Quick estimate of the size of a seasonal solar store in Switzerland Different types of seasonal heat storage
Possible types of storage
Storage facilities around the world
Technical difficulties associated with temperature
Possible applications of seasonal heat storage Essential characteristics of seasonal heat storage
Characteristics of a seasonal heat store
Identification of storage needs
Capacity of a heat store
Efficiency of a seasonal store
Heat loss in seasonal stores Seasonal heat storage technologies
Convection stores
Diffusion stores
Mixed or aquifer stores Methods for calculating and dimensioning seasonal heat stores
Physical laws
Methods and tools for calculating seasonal heat stores
Methods for calculating systems comprising a seasonal heat store Incorporation of a seasonal store in a system
Selection of store type
Ways of managing a heat store in systems without a heat pump Probable heat storage cost and acceptable investment
Systems with a heat pump
Systems with make-up heat
Combination of short-term and long-term storage
The problem of domestic hot water
Probable cost of seasonal stores, based on past experience
Quick calculation of acceptable investment today
Cost of complete systems comprising seasonal heat storage
Possible reductions in heat storage costs Operational performance control
Seasonal heat storage instrumentation
Analysis of results
Environmental impact References
Seasonal heat storage
Latent heat storage and chemical heat storage
Historical background
Physical laws
Thermal properties of soils and rocks
Heat loss from stores and methods of calculation
Tanks and reservoirs
Basins, insulation and seals
Cave heat storage
Diffusion stores
Aquifer heat storage
Incorporation of a heat store in a system
Cost of storage
Performance control
Environmental impact of storage