Book 1
Economics of the Pulp and Paper Industry
Series editors
Johan Gullichsen, Helsinki University of Technology
Hannu Paulapuro, Helsinki University of Technology
Book editor
Magnus Diesen, Enso Oyj
Series reviewer
Brian Attwood, St. Anne's Paper and Paperboard Co. Ltd
Book reviewer
E. Carlyle Franklin, North Carolina State University
Published in cooperation with the Finnish Paper Engineers' Association and TAPPI
Johan Gullichsen and Hannu Paulapuro
Papermaking science and technology
The aim of this book is to provide a global perspective on the following issues from a Scandinavian - more particularly a Finnish - viewpoint.
1. Information on forest industry raw material resources, markets, as well as the worldwide structure and various strategies of the industry.
2. Ability to evaluate the economic consequences of decisions taken in a pulp or paper mill.
3. Ability to analyse and compare the profitability and competitiveness of the forest industries in different countries.
4. Ability to analyse alteative investments with different criteria and to select the best alteative in a given situation.
It is assumed, that the reader has basic knowledge about the pulp and paper industry. This book was written in 1996 and early 1997. Thus the sources of information used and referred to contained data up to that time, in most cases up to and including 1995.
Jaakko Poyry Consulting Oy provided a major part of the data and information in this book. My employer, Enso Oyj, encouraged and supported me, and my colleagues have contributed valuable and well-structured comments.
Economics of the Pulp and Paper Industry
Series editors
Johan Gullichsen, Helsinki University of Technology
Hannu Paulapuro, Helsinki University of Technology
Book editor
Magnus Diesen, Enso Oyj
Series reviewer
Brian Attwood, St. Anne's Paper and Paperboard Co. Ltd
Book reviewer
E. Carlyle Franklin, North Carolina State University
Published in cooperation with the Finnish Paper Engineers' Association and TAPPI
Johan Gullichsen and Hannu Paulapuro
Papermaking science and technology
The aim of this book is to provide a global perspective on the following issues from a Scandinavian - more particularly a Finnish - viewpoint.
1. Information on forest industry raw material resources, markets, as well as the worldwide structure and various strategies of the industry.
2. Ability to evaluate the economic consequences of decisions taken in a pulp or paper mill.
3. Ability to analyse and compare the profitability and competitiveness of the forest industries in different countries.
4. Ability to analyse alteative investments with different criteria and to select the best alteative in a given situation.
It is assumed, that the reader has basic knowledge about the pulp and paper industry. This book was written in 1996 and early 1997. Thus the sources of information used and referred to contained data up to that time, in most cases up to and including 1995.
Jaakko Poyry Consulting Oy provided a major part of the data and information in this book. My employer, Enso Oyj, encouraged and supported me, and my colleagues have contributed valuable and well-structured comments.