Академическая и специальная литература
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  • добавлен 03 марта 2011 г.
Gossick B.R. Hamilton's Principle and Physical Systems
Academic Press, 1967. 247 p. ISBN: 012293346X

For a number of years the different scientific disciplines have been overlapping more and more, and demands for a greater breadth of performance in the professions of engineering, physics, and chemistry have been felt. Thus, to meet this demand there has been a trend toward a more catholic pedagogy, bringing about an increased emphasis on the generality and symmetry of the theories in these different disciplines. In keeping with that trend, the aim of this text is to provide a comprehensive treatment of mechanical and electromagnetic systems, at a level suitable for senior undergraduate and beginning graduate students.
Hamilton's principle is used herein as the basis for treating each generic type of physical system. Because of the scope of this treatment, and in order to have a concise text, it has been necessary to select certain examples of interest without any attempt at completeness. In selecting examples to illustrate basic principles, an effort has been made to expose the student to useful practical applications. Such traditional examples as a bead constrained to move on a frictionless rod, and Atwood's machine have not been used, whereas problems in electrical circuits and electronic systems have been used.
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