Directorate-General for Energy and Transport Directorate H –
Nuclear Safety and Safeguards Unit H.4 – Radiation Protection.
2003. - 114 p.
The extensive documentation was summarised into a number of tables and figures that should give the reader an overview of the way in which the Member States have been tackling the issue.
The information collected in this document will be used as a basis for the examination of this issue by a working party of the Group of Experts established under the terms of Article 31 of the Euratom Treaty. The views expressed in the current document are those of the contractor and the publication of this document does not imply endorsement by the Commission.
It was found that most Member States in the EU have introduced new legislation to address the Directive within the past 2-3 years. Exemption has been implemented by the majority of Member States in a way consistent with Title III of the Directive.
The application of clearance in some Member States has encountered practica difficulties and the area of greatest variation relates to the setting of clearance levels. There is a need to encourage harmonisation of clearance levels especially for particular materials, such as metals, designated for recycling and hence subject to inteational trade.
The extensive documentation was summarised into a number of tables and figures that should give the reader an overview of the way in which the Member States have been tackling the issue.
The information collected in this document will be used as a basis for the examination of this issue by a working party of the Group of Experts established under the terms of Article 31 of the Euratom Treaty. The views expressed in the current document are those of the contractor and the publication of this document does not imply endorsement by the Commission.
It was found that most Member States in the EU have introduced new legislation to address the Directive within the past 2-3 years. Exemption has been implemented by the majority of Member States in a way consistent with Title III of the Directive.
The application of clearance in some Member States has encountered practica difficulties and the area of greatest variation relates to the setting of clearance levels. There is a need to encourage harmonisation of clearance levels especially for particular materials, such as metals, designated for recycling and hence subject to inteational trade.