Учебно—методическое пособие по деловому английскому языку для
студентов экономических специальностей. — Минск: БНТУ, 2010. — 92
Настоящее учебно—методическое пособие составлено в соответствии с
программой курса делового английского языка для студентов
экономических специальностей. Пособие содержит 20 дополнительных
текстов к основному учебному пособию «Market Leader». Приводимые в
пособии тексты могут быть использованы для занятий в аудитории, а
также при самостоятельной работе студентов.
A snip at the price.
World trade and commercial aircraft.
The Cola Wars.
An unusual London billboards campaign.
British Airways to sell advertising space on boarding cards.
How effective Management contributes in Marketing?
The global business environment and the risks of trade protectionism.
Fare well, free trade.
Inventors who lost the race to the patent office.
Smother of invention.
Steal this idea!
Hot or not?
Bosses crack down on social networks amid leaks.
Five Guidelines for Ethical Business Communications.
Mission statement.
Business strategy.
Doing business in China. Doing Business in the UK. How to handle American business culture.
Working on Common Cross—Cultural Communication Challenges.
Are Leaders Bo or Made?
Regrettable Berlusoni.
World trade and commercial aircraft.
The Cola Wars.
An unusual London billboards campaign.
British Airways to sell advertising space on boarding cards.
How effective Management contributes in Marketing?
The global business environment and the risks of trade protectionism.
Fare well, free trade.
Inventors who lost the race to the patent office.
Smother of invention.
Steal this idea!
Hot or not?
Bosses crack down on social networks amid leaks.
Five Guidelines for Ethical Business Communications.
Mission statement.
Business strategy.
Doing business in China. Doing Business in the UK. How to handle American business culture.
Working on Common Cross—Cultural Communication Challenges.
Are Leaders Bo or Made?
Regrettable Berlusoni.