Boca Raton, CRC Press, 2009. - 273p.
Книга представляет собой учебник по электричеству и магнетизму,
ориентированный на биологов, разработчиков медицинской аппаратуры и
медиков. Включает в себя основные сведения об электромагнитных
полях, распространение электрических и магнитных полей в объектах,
размеры которых малы сравнительно с длиной волны, в объектах,
размеры которых сравнимы с длиной волны, и в объектах, размеры
которых значительно превышают длину волны, обсуждение вопросов
электромагнитной дозиметрии (включая методы измерения и нормативы),
приложения электромагнитных полей к медицине (гипертермия, МРТ и
МРТ-спектроскопия и пр.), различные механизмы биологического
действия электромагнитных полей и перспективы их применения. В
приложениях приводятся электрические свойства тела человека, сводка
физических величин и единиц измерения,шкала децибел.
Для студентов и преподавателей биофизики и соответствующих медицинских специальностей, и разработчиков медицинской аппаратуры. Contents
Electric and Magnetic Fields: Basic Concepts
Electric Field Concepts
Magnetic Field Concepts
Sources of Electric Fields (Maxwell's Equations)
Sources of Magnetic Fields (Maxwell's Equations)
Electric and Magnetic Field Interactions with Materials
Other Electromagnetic Field Definitions
Waveforms Used in Electromagnetics
Sinusoidal EM Functions
Root Mean Square or Effective Values
Wave Properties in Lossless Materials
Boundary Conditions for Lossless Materials
Complex Numbers in Electromagnetics (the Phasor Transform)
Wave Properties in Lossy Materials
Boundary Conditions for Lossy Materials
Energy Absorption
Electromagnetic Behavior as a Function of Size and Wavelength
Electromagnetic Dosimetry
EM Behavior When the Wavelength Is Large Compared to the Object Size
Low-Frequency Approximations
Fields Induced in Objects by Incident E Fields in Free Space
E Field Pattes for Electrode Configurations
Electrodes for Reception and Stimulation in the Body
Fields Induced in Objects by Incident B Fields in Free Space
E Field Pattes for In Vitro Applied B Fields
Measurement of Low-Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields
EM Behavior When the Wavelength Is About the Same Size as the Object
Waves in Lossless Media
Wave Reflection and Refraction
Waves in Lossy Media
Transmission Lines and Waveguides
Resonant Systems
Measurement of Mid-Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields
EM Behavior When the Wavelength Is Much Smaller Than the Object
Ray Propagation Effects
Total Inteal Reflection and Fiber Optic Waveguides
Propagation of Laser Beams
Scattering from Particles
Photon Interactions with Tissues
Measurement of High-Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields (Light)
Bioelectromagnetic Dosimetry
Electrical Properties of the Human Body
Human Models
Energy Absorption (SAR)
Extrapolating from Experimental Animal Results to Those Expected in Humans
Numerical Methods for Bioelectromagnetic Stimulation
Electromagnetic Regulations
Conclusion and Summary
Electromagnetics in Medicine: Today and Tomorrow
Fundamental Potential and Challenges
Hyperthermia for Cancer Therapy
Magnetic Effects
Proposed Bioelectromagnetic Effects
Emerging Bioelectromagnetic Applications
Appendix A Electrical Properties of the Human Body
Appendix B Definition of Variables
Appendix C Decibels
Для студентов и преподавателей биофизики и соответствующих медицинских специальностей, и разработчиков медицинской аппаратуры. Contents
Electric and Magnetic Fields: Basic Concepts
Electric Field Concepts
Magnetic Field Concepts
Sources of Electric Fields (Maxwell's Equations)
Sources of Magnetic Fields (Maxwell's Equations)
Electric and Magnetic Field Interactions with Materials
Other Electromagnetic Field Definitions
Waveforms Used in Electromagnetics
Sinusoidal EM Functions
Root Mean Square or Effective Values
Wave Properties in Lossless Materials
Boundary Conditions for Lossless Materials
Complex Numbers in Electromagnetics (the Phasor Transform)
Wave Properties in Lossy Materials
Boundary Conditions for Lossy Materials
Energy Absorption
Electromagnetic Behavior as a Function of Size and Wavelength
Electromagnetic Dosimetry
EM Behavior When the Wavelength Is Large Compared to the Object Size
Low-Frequency Approximations
Fields Induced in Objects by Incident E Fields in Free Space
E Field Pattes for Electrode Configurations
Electrodes for Reception and Stimulation in the Body
Fields Induced in Objects by Incident B Fields in Free Space
E Field Pattes for In Vitro Applied B Fields
Measurement of Low-Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields
EM Behavior When the Wavelength Is About the Same Size as the Object
Waves in Lossless Media
Wave Reflection and Refraction
Waves in Lossy Media
Transmission Lines and Waveguides
Resonant Systems
Measurement of Mid-Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields
EM Behavior When the Wavelength Is Much Smaller Than the Object
Ray Propagation Effects
Total Inteal Reflection and Fiber Optic Waveguides
Propagation of Laser Beams
Scattering from Particles
Photon Interactions with Tissues
Measurement of High-Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields (Light)
Bioelectromagnetic Dosimetry
Electrical Properties of the Human Body
Human Models
Energy Absorption (SAR)
Extrapolating from Experimental Animal Results to Those Expected in Humans
Numerical Methods for Bioelectromagnetic Stimulation
Electromagnetic Regulations
Conclusion and Summary
Electromagnetics in Medicine: Today and Tomorrow
Fundamental Potential and Challenges
Hyperthermia for Cancer Therapy
Magnetic Effects
Proposed Bioelectromagnetic Effects
Emerging Bioelectromagnetic Applications
Appendix A Electrical Properties of the Human Body
Appendix B Definition of Variables
Appendix C Decibels