История стран Азии и Африки
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Dobbin Ch. Islamic Revivalism in a Changing Peasant Economy: Central Sumatra, 1784-1847
London and Malmo: Curzon Press, 1983. — 302 p.
Доббин К. Исламский ренессанс в условиях динамики экономических отношений в селе, Сев. Суматра 1784-1847 гг (на англ. яз.)
Introduction: the Geographical Foundations of Central Sumatran Civilization.
Village and Market in the Minangkabau Domestic Economy, 1818-1834.
Development and Change in Exteal Commercial Networks, 1347-1829.
Islamic Revivalism, 1784-1832.
The Padri Movement in the North, 1807-1832.
Minangkabau Nationalism and the Dutch Commercial Challenge, 1833-1841.
Epilogue: the Imperialism of Coffee, 1847 and Beyond.
Appendix. Exports of Coffee from Padang, 1819-1899.