Труды Симпозиума 13–16 сентября 2011 г. Санкт-Петербург, 2011. В 2011 году исполняется 125 лет старейшему электротехническому вузу России – Санкт-Петербургскому государственному электротехническому университету. Содержание: Пленарное заседание Plenary Session. М. А. Партала. Электромагнитная совместимость: содержание проблемы и методы её решения на ранних этапах развития радиотехники (российский опыт). M. A. Partala. Electromagnetic Compatibili...
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001. 992 p. ISBN:0750673516. Never before has so much ground been covered in a single volume reference source. This five-part work is sure to be of great value to students, technicians and practicing engineers as well as equipment designers and manufacturers, and should become their one-stop shop for all information needs in this subject area. This book will be of interest to those working with: Static Drives, Static Con...
Schneider Electric - Electrical installation guide 2008 The term "medium voltage" is commonly used for distribution systems with voltages above 1 kV and generally applied up to and including 52 kV (see IEC 601-01-28 Standard). In this chapter, distribution networks which operate at voltages of 1,000 V or less are referred to as Low-Voltage systems, while systems of power distribution which require one stage of stepdown voltage transformation, in...
Source: Electrical equipment handbook capacitors current and resistance the magnetic field faraday’S law of induction introduction to machinery principles transformer components and maintenance ac machine fundamentals speed control of induction motors
830 pages book aboyt power systems analysis university of north Carolina on of the good books in the world. McGraw-Hill Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Senior Consulting Editor. Stephen W. Director, Carnegie-Mellon University. Circuits and Systems. Communications and Signal Processing. Computer Engineering. Control Theory. Electromagnetics. Electronics and VLSI Circuits. Introductory. Power alld Eflergy. Radar and Antennas. Previou...
Cambridge University Press, 2008, 240 pages A lightning strike to an unprotected object or system can be disastrous - in the United States lightning is responsible for over 30% of all electric power failures, causes billions of dollars' worth of property damage, and an average of 85 fatalities a year. This accessible text describes all aspects of lightning protection and includes many illustrative drawings and photographs. The author examines...