Собрание дидактических игр. Монография. 5 стр.Виды игр:
"Eat - Don't eat"
"What is missing"
"Pass the card"
"What words do you know?"
"Words road"
"Let’s change!"
"Find the house"
"Colour letters"
"Is it true or not?"
"What doesn't belong?"
"It will be a …"
"Do you see?"
"It smells like." "
"Board race"
"What can you see?"
"Chinese whispers"
"Mine it"
"Crouching game"
"Repeat if true"
"Eat - Don't eat"
"What is missing"
"Pass the card"
"What words do you know?"
"Words road"
"Let’s change!"
"Find the house"
"Colour letters"
"Is it true or not?"
"What doesn't belong?"
"It will be a …"
"Do you see?"
"It smells like." "
"Board race"
"What can you see?"
"Chinese whispers"
"Mine it"
"Crouching game"
"Repeat if true"