Английский язык
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  • размер 33,99 МБ
  • добавлен 18 октября 2015 г.
Далян Н.Е. Read, speak and discuss - читай, говори, обсуждай
Английский язык: учебное пособие/Под ред.О.А.Ереминой. - М., 2011. - 108 с.
Пособие предназначено для студентов-филологов второго курса бакалавриата, изучающих английский язык в качестве иностранного. Оно может использоваться как дополнительный материал к основному учебнику и соответствует уровню В2 по Общеевропейской шкале уровней владения языками.
1. Great Britain and the United States of America
Great Britain
The United States of America
Washington, DC. - The Capital of The United States of America
The Govement System of Great Britain
Insight the UK
The American System of Govement
Honest Abe (after J.Doty and J.Ross)
2. Education
Education in Great Britain
Public Schools
Some Aspects of Higher Education in Great Britain
Education in the USA
Elementary and Secondary Education in the USA
Higher Education in the USA
The Failure of Friends (By William Saroyan)
3. Holidays and their History
The Symbols and Traditions of Christmas
Christmas Around the World
Christmas in the United States
Thanksgiving Day Around the World
Thanksgiving Day in the United Kingdom
Thanksgiving Day in the United States
Valentine`s Day Around the World
Valentine`s Day in the United Kingdom
Valentine`s Day in the United States
Valentine`s Day in Australia
Valentine`s Day in France
Valentine`s Day in China
Valentine`s Day in Japan
April Fools` Day Around the World
April Fools` Day in the United Kingdom
April Fools` Day in the United States
Easter Around the World
Easter Traditions in the USA
Easter Traditions in Australia
Easter Bunny
Easter Traditions in Germany
4. Meals
British Cuisine
Regional Specialties
The Great British Breakfast
The Sunday Roast
Bangers and Mash
Bubble and Squeak
Fish and Chips
Steaks - an American Tradition?
British Cheese
The Humble Sandwich
Breakfast (by John Steinbeck)
Sthnic Cuisine: the United States
Dinner at Swithin`s from "The Man of Property" (by John Galsworthy)