Издательство InTech, 2009, -344 pp.
Starting in the early 1950s, the design of autopilots for high performance aircraft motivated an intense research activity in adaptive control. Today, adaptive control theory has grown to be a rigorous and mature discipline. Because it is good at dealing with uncertain quantities in dynamic systems in which exist unknown parameters and disturbances, adaptive control has become more popular in many fields of engineering and science in terms of algorithms, design techniques, analytical tools, and modifications. Nowadays, the presence of robotics in human-oriented applications demands control paradigms to face partly known, unstructured, and time-varying environments. Variety disturbances including applied exteal forces, higher order dynamics, nonlinearities and noise are always present in complex control systems such as robot manipulators and the human-machine ensemble. Adaptive control is required to be applied into new fields and more complex situations.
The objective of this book is to provide an up-to-date and state-of-the-art coverage of diverse aspects related to adaptive control theory, methodologies and applications. These include various robust techniques, performance enhancement techniques, techniques with less a-priori knowledge, nonlinear adaptive control techniques and intelligent adaptive techniques.
There are several themes in this book which instance both the maturity and the novelty of the general adaptive control. The book consists of 17 Chapters. Each chapter is introduced by a brief preamble providing the background and objectives of subject matter. The experiment results are presented in considerable detail in order to facilitate the comprehension of the theoretical development, as well as to increase sensitivity of applications in practical problems. The outline of each chapter is as follows:
I believe the new algorithms and adaptive control strategies presented in this book are very effective approaches to solve the problems in unknown parameter estimation, modeling, analysis, adaptive controller design and some important research challenge. The book is also intended to be served as a reference for the researcher as well as the practitioner who wants to solve the problems caused by the uncertainty in the controlled systems. I hope that the reader will share my excitement to present this book on frontiers in adaptive control and will find it useful.
An Adaptive Control for a Free-Floating Space Robot by Using Inverted Chain Approach.
On-line Parameters Estimation with Application to Electrical Drives.
A New Frequency Dependent Approach to Model Validation.
Fast Particle Filters and Their Applications to Adaptive Control in Change-Point ARX Models and Robotics.
An Adaptive Controller Design for Flexible-joint Electrically-driven Robots With Consideration of Time-Varying Uncertainties.
Global Feed-forward Adaptive Fuzzy Control of Uncertain MIMO Nonlinear Systems.
Function Approximation-based Sliding Mode Adaptive Control for Time-varying Uncertain Nonlinear Systems.
Model Reference Adaptive Control for Robotic Manipulation with Kalman Active Observers.
Triggering Adaptive Automation in Naval Command and Control.
Advances in Parameter Estimation and Performance Improvement in Adaptive Control.
Estimation and Control of Stochastic Systems under Discounted Criterion.
Lipschitzian Parameterization-Based Approach for Adaptive Controls of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems with Nonlinearly Parameterized Uncertainties: A Theoretical Framework and Its Applications.
Model-free Adaptive Control in Frequency Domain: Application to Mechanical Ventilation.
Adaptive Control Design for Uncertain and Constrained Vehicle Yaw Dynamics.
A Design of Discrete-Time Indirect Multivariable MRACS with Structural Estimation of Interactor.
Adaptive Control in Wireless Networks.
Adaptive Control Methodology for High-performance Low-power VLSI Design.
Starting in the early 1950s, the design of autopilots for high performance aircraft motivated an intense research activity in adaptive control. Today, adaptive control theory has grown to be a rigorous and mature discipline. Because it is good at dealing with uncertain quantities in dynamic systems in which exist unknown parameters and disturbances, adaptive control has become more popular in many fields of engineering and science in terms of algorithms, design techniques, analytical tools, and modifications. Nowadays, the presence of robotics in human-oriented applications demands control paradigms to face partly known, unstructured, and time-varying environments. Variety disturbances including applied exteal forces, higher order dynamics, nonlinearities and noise are always present in complex control systems such as robot manipulators and the human-machine ensemble. Adaptive control is required to be applied into new fields and more complex situations.
The objective of this book is to provide an up-to-date and state-of-the-art coverage of diverse aspects related to adaptive control theory, methodologies and applications. These include various robust techniques, performance enhancement techniques, techniques with less a-priori knowledge, nonlinear adaptive control techniques and intelligent adaptive techniques.
There are several themes in this book which instance both the maturity and the novelty of the general adaptive control. The book consists of 17 Chapters. Each chapter is introduced by a brief preamble providing the background and objectives of subject matter. The experiment results are presented in considerable detail in order to facilitate the comprehension of the theoretical development, as well as to increase sensitivity of applications in practical problems. The outline of each chapter is as follows:
I believe the new algorithms and adaptive control strategies presented in this book are very effective approaches to solve the problems in unknown parameter estimation, modeling, analysis, adaptive controller design and some important research challenge. The book is also intended to be served as a reference for the researcher as well as the practitioner who wants to solve the problems caused by the uncertainty in the controlled systems. I hope that the reader will share my excitement to present this book on frontiers in adaptive control and will find it useful.
An Adaptive Control for a Free-Floating Space Robot by Using Inverted Chain Approach.
On-line Parameters Estimation with Application to Electrical Drives.
A New Frequency Dependent Approach to Model Validation.
Fast Particle Filters and Their Applications to Adaptive Control in Change-Point ARX Models and Robotics.
An Adaptive Controller Design for Flexible-joint Electrically-driven Robots With Consideration of Time-Varying Uncertainties.
Global Feed-forward Adaptive Fuzzy Control of Uncertain MIMO Nonlinear Systems.
Function Approximation-based Sliding Mode Adaptive Control for Time-varying Uncertain Nonlinear Systems.
Model Reference Adaptive Control for Robotic Manipulation with Kalman Active Observers.
Triggering Adaptive Automation in Naval Command and Control.
Advances in Parameter Estimation and Performance Improvement in Adaptive Control.
Estimation and Control of Stochastic Systems under Discounted Criterion.
Lipschitzian Parameterization-Based Approach for Adaptive Controls of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems with Nonlinearly Parameterized Uncertainties: A Theoretical Framework and Its Applications.
Model-free Adaptive Control in Frequency Domain: Application to Mechanical Ventilation.
Adaptive Control Design for Uncertain and Constrained Vehicle Yaw Dynamics.
A Design of Discrete-Time Indirect Multivariable MRACS with Structural Estimation of Interactor.
Adaptive Control in Wireless Networks.
Adaptive Control Methodology for High-performance Low-power VLSI Design.