Dorling Kindersley Limited, 2009. — 72 p. — ISBN 978-0-7566-5032-2
(Hardcover); ISBN 978-0-7566-5033-9 (Library Binding)
Поезд - история поездов берет свое начало от создания первого
паровоза английским изобретателем Травником в 1804 году. В России
история поездов с локомотивной тягой начинается в 1834 году с
выпуском первого паровоза Черепановых. Так же история поездов
неразрывно связана с историей локомотивов, железных дорог, от
применения для транспортировки угля с шахт до проникновения во все
сферы транспорта: пассажирские перевозки, почтовые, грузовые, и
просто развлечения.
What is a train?
The first railroads
Dawn of the steam age
Steam engines come of age
How a steam locomotive works
Railroads reach the world
The American railroad
Building the railroads
Overcoming obstacles
Making tracks
Freight trains
First, second, and third class
Traveling in style
In the signal box
Following the signs
Post haste
Electric trains
Diesel power
Long distance by train
Royal trains
Record breakers
At the station
Running the railroad
Still in steam
All decked out
Traveling underground
Up in the air
Trains for fun
nto the future
Great train joueys
Train timeline
Find out more
What is a train?
The first railroads
Dawn of the steam age
Steam engines come of age
How a steam locomotive works
Railroads reach the world
The American railroad
Building the railroads
Overcoming obstacles
Making tracks
Freight trains
First, second, and third class
Traveling in style
In the signal box
Following the signs
Post haste
Electric trains
Diesel power
Long distance by train
Royal trains
Record breakers
At the station
Running the railroad
Still in steam
All decked out
Traveling underground
Up in the air
Trains for fun
nto the future
Great train joueys
Train timeline
Find out more