Ключи к аудиокурсу. Текст содержит четыре интервью: Irena Kirilova
talks about her background, Side A bilingualism, Russian cultural
heritage as well as Pasteak, Solzhenitsin, Akhmatova, Gorbachev,
Yeltsin and the challenges of interpreting for them all; Pavel
Palazchenko speaks on the Cold War Side В last summits, advent of
Gorbachev, meetings with Presidents Reagan, Bush, challenges of
interpreting at the top level and the history he has witnessed;
Bruce Boeglin and his views on Side A interpreting vs. translation,
his World War II experiences and UN work, the bloody conflict in
the former Yugoslavia, unrest in Burundi and Rwanda as well as the
role of interpreters in the battlefield and rewards of the
profession; Aleck Toumayan narrates about the Paris Side В peace
talks in 1968—71, the Us hostage-crisis in Iran, shares his
intimate glimpses of Reagan, Johnson and Nixon during his
thirty-year stint at the Us Department and tells a couple of funny
stories about the pitfalls that can catch the unwary interpreter.