Pergamon press, 1979. 279 p.
This book has evolved from a set of class notes prepared for a beginning graduate
level course that I have taught at the University of Illinois. The original
purpose of the notes and one of the purposes of this book is to allow readers with
a good basic background in physical science to lea the fundamental principles
and methods of analysis of weakly ionized gas discharges and to be able to apply
them to current research efforts in gas discharges and gas lasers. This book
should also be suitable for self-study and reference by professionals interested
in working with weakly ionized discharges.
This book has evolved from a set of class notes prepared for a beginning graduate
level course that I have taught at the University of Illinois. The original
purpose of the notes and one of the purposes of this book is to allow readers with
a good basic background in physical science to lea the fundamental principles
and methods of analysis of weakly ionized gas discharges and to be able to apply
them to current research efforts in gas discharges and gas lasers. This book
should also be suitable for self-study and reference by professionals interested
in working with weakly ionized discharges.