CIDEB, 2005. — 142 p.
Красочный учебник по страноведению, с помощью которого можно и язык
изучать, и узнавать интересные факты из истории.
Descubrir España y Latinoamérica is a cultural studies book aimed
at middle school students.
By using authentic documents (photos, maps, pictures etc. ), this book offers a clear and complete vision of the Spanish and Hispanic cultures, through various perspectives. The volume is divided into four topic-based sections:
- Descubrir.
- Historia y política.
- Cultura.
- Sociedad.
By using authentic documents (photos, maps, pictures etc. ), this book offers a clear and complete vision of the Spanish and Hispanic cultures, through various perspectives. The volume is divided into four topic-based sections:
- Descubrir.
- Historia y política.
- Cultura.
- Sociedad.