Социальная экология
Экологические дисциплины
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  • добавлен 30 сентября 2011 г.
Blanco Juan and Kheradm Houshang (eds.). Climate change - socioeconomic effects
Published by InTech. Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia. 2011. ISBN 978-953-307-411-5, Hard cover, 454 p.
Первоисточник: http://www.intechopen.com.
This book shows some of the socio-economic impacts of climate change according to different estimates of the current or estimated global warming. A series of scientific and experimental research projects explore the impacts of climate change and browse the techniques to evaluate the related impacts. These 23 chapters provide a good overview of the different changes impacts that already have been detected in several regions of the world. They are part of an introduction to the researches being done around the globe in connection with this topic. However, climate change is not just an academic issue important only to scientists and environmentalists; it also has direct implications on various ecosystems and technologies.
Is free trade good or bad for the environment? New empirical evidence.
Changing climate related behaviors: a review of social-scientific interventions.
Understanding and modelling the impact of climate change on infectious diseases – progress and future challenges.
Climate change and population health: possible future scenarios.
Climate variability and population health in china: updated knowledge, challenges and opportunities.
Climate change and sustainable development of water: Sub-Saharan Africa.
The climate change, water crisis and forest ecosystem services in Beijing, China.
Evaluations and perceptions of the climate change in the state of Veracruz (Mexico): an overview.
The competitiveness of selected new members of the EU in the environmental products and services market.
Impacts of climate change on animal production and quality of animal food products.
Climate change impacts: an assessment for water resources planning and management in the Pacific Northwest of the U.S.
Human ecology of vulnerability, resilience and adaptation: case studies of climate change from high latitudes and altitudes.
Climate change in Spain: phenological trends in southe areas.
Climate change impacts on Czech agriculture.
Variability of the course of tomato growth and development in Poland as an effect of climate change.
Economic impacts of climate change on agriculture: adaptation and vulnerability.
Sensitivity of Mexico’s farmers: a sub national assessment of vulnerability to climate change.
Global warming and livestock in dry areas: expected impacts, adaptation and mitigation.
Regional climate change and impact assessment for the Federal state Hesse, Germany, and implications of the global 2 °c climate target.
Intertemporal evaluation criteria for climatechange policy: basic ethical issues.
Carbon bio-economics and forests: getting the BESF out of climate policy.
Forecasting the future of renewables.
Hitting the headlines and falling down again: newspaper coverage of climate change in Finland.