Les Houches 077, Springer 2003, 792s_PSa
ISBN 3-540-40141-5 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York
ISBN 2-86883-685-2 EDP Sciences Les Ulis
Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions
Mechanical Aging and Non-Linear Rheology of Concentrated Colloidal Suspensions: Experimental Facts and Simple Models by A. Ajdari
Structural Relaxation and Rheology of Soft Condensed Matter by M.E. Cates
Granular Media: Some Ideas from Statistical Physics by J.P. Bouchaud
Supercooled Liquids, the Glass Transition, and Computer Simulations by W. Kob
Glasses, Replicas and all that by G. Parisi
Dynamics of Glassy Systems by L.F. Cugliandolo
Equilibrium States and Dynamics of Equilibration: General Issues and Open Questions by D.S. Fisher
Experimental Analysis of Aging by S. Ciliberto
Fluctuation Dissipation Relation in a Non-Stationary System: Experimental Investigation in a Spin Glass by M. Ocio and D. H ?risson
Non-Equilibrium Dynamics and Aging in the Electron Glass by Z. Ovadyahu
Proteins: Structural, Thermodynamic and Kinetic Aspects by A.V. Finkelstein
Self-Organized Criticality in Granular Superconductors by S.L. Ginzburg and N.E. Savitskaya
Hiking through Glassy Phases: Physics beyond Aging
by L. Berthier, V. Viasnoff, O. White, V. Orlyanchik and F. Krzakala
Kinetically Constrained Models and Driven Systems with Slow Dynamics by H.S. Bond, M. Clincy and S. Whitelam
Dynamic Transitions in Thermal and Athermal Systems by C.B. Holmes, J.H. Snoeijer and Th. Voigtmann
ISBN 3-540-40141-5 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York
ISBN 2-86883-685-2 EDP Sciences Les Ulis
Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions
Mechanical Aging and Non-Linear Rheology of Concentrated Colloidal Suspensions: Experimental Facts and Simple Models by A. Ajdari
Structural Relaxation and Rheology of Soft Condensed Matter by M.E. Cates
Granular Media: Some Ideas from Statistical Physics by J.P. Bouchaud
Supercooled Liquids, the Glass Transition, and Computer Simulations by W. Kob
Glasses, Replicas and all that by G. Parisi
Dynamics of Glassy Systems by L.F. Cugliandolo
Equilibrium States and Dynamics of Equilibration: General Issues and Open Questions by D.S. Fisher
Experimental Analysis of Aging by S. Ciliberto
Fluctuation Dissipation Relation in a Non-Stationary System: Experimental Investigation in a Spin Glass by M. Ocio and D. H ?risson
Non-Equilibrium Dynamics and Aging in the Electron Glass by Z. Ovadyahu
Proteins: Structural, Thermodynamic and Kinetic Aspects by A.V. Finkelstein
Self-Organized Criticality in Granular Superconductors by S.L. Ginzburg and N.E. Savitskaya
Hiking through Glassy Phases: Physics beyond Aging
by L. Berthier, V. Viasnoff, O. White, V. Orlyanchik and F. Krzakala
Kinetically Constrained Models and Driven Systems with Slow Dynamics by H.S. Bond, M. Clincy and S. Whitelam
Dynamic Transitions in Thermal and Athermal Systems by C.B. Holmes, J.H. Snoeijer and Th. Voigtmann