API RP 14F-1999 Recommended Practice for Design and Installation of Electrical Systems for Fixed and Floating Offshore Petroleum Facilities for Unclassified and Class I, Division 1 and Division 2 Locations
American Petroleum Instltute (API) Fourth Edition, June 1999. 104p.
This document recommends minimum requirements and guidelines for
the design and installation of electrical systems on fixed and
floating petroleum facilities located offshore
American Petroleum Instltute (API) Fifth Edition, October. 1991. Reaffirmed June 2000. 62p. This document recommends minimum requirements and guidelines for the design and installation of new piping systems on production platforms located offshore
American Petroleum Instltute (API) First Edition, September 2006. 127p. This document recommends minimum requirements and guidelines for the design and installation of electrical systems on fixed and floating petroleum facilities located offshore when hazardous locations are classified as Zone 0, Zone 1, or Zone 2.
American Petroleum Instltute (API) Twenty-First Edition, December 2000, Errata and Supplement 1, December 2002. 242p. This publication serves as a guide for those who are concerned with the design and construction of new platforms and for the relocation of existing platforms used for the drilling, development, and storage of hydrocarbons in offshore areas
American Petroleum Institute (API) Fifth Edition, June 2003. 54p. This Recommended Practice is intended to serve as a guide to crane owners and operators in developing operating and maintenance practices and procedures for use in the safe operation of pedestal-mounted revolving cranes on fixed or oating offshore platforms, jackup drilling rigs, semisubmersible drilling rigs and other types of mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs).
American Petroleum Institute (API) First Edition, April 2002. 76p. This document provides guidelines and recommended practice for the satisfactory design of offshore structures against fire and blast loading.
American Petroleum Institute (API) First Edition, March 2001. 99p. This Recommended Practice (RP) provides guidelines for design, fabrication, installation, inspection and operation of Floating Production Systems (FPSs).
American Petroleum Institute (API) First Edition, March 2002. 99p. This Recommended Practice (RP) provides guidelines for design, fabrication, installation, inspection and operation of Floating Production Systems (FPSs). The basic function of a FPS is to receive hydrocarbons from the wellhead, process the hydrocarbons, and store and/or ofЯoad the product to a shuttle tanker or convey it to a pipeline system
American Petroleum Instltute (API) Fifth Edition, August 2003. 42p. This recommended practice covers methods of installation for pressure-relief devices for equipment that has a maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) of 15 psig (1.03 bar g or 103 kPA) or greater
American Petroleum Instltute (API) First Edition, May 1991. 68p. The procedures for installation of the instruments covered in this recommended practice are based on experience with and evaluation of many installations.
American Petroleum Instltute (API) Third Edition, May 2004. 52p. This recommended practice is intended to assist in development of a management program designed to promote safety and environmental protection during the performance of offshore oil and gas and sulphur operations.