Вlасk Саt, 2003. — 80 pages. — (Green Apple)
Step One (Level: Beginner).
Полный текст аудиозаписи (аудиозапись здесь), цветные иллюстрации, постраничный
глоссарий, словарик в картинках, страноведческая информация,
разнообразные упражнения с решениями).
The Legend of Johnny Appleseed.
Johnny and his Apple Seeds.
American Food made with Apples.
Apple-Raisin Crumble.
Johnny becomes a Legend.
Young America and its Settlers. Pecos Bill.
Bill and the Coyotes.
King of the Cowboys.
Life on a Ranch. The Tale of Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby.
The Tar Baby.
Fox Hunting.
The Briar Patch.
Brer Tales and the South.
Johnny and his Apple Seeds.
American Food made with Apples.
Apple-Raisin Crumble.
Johnny becomes a Legend.
Young America and its Settlers. Pecos Bill.
Bill and the Coyotes.
King of the Cowboys.
Life on a Ranch. The Tale of Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby.
The Tar Baby.
Fox Hunting.
The Briar Patch.
Brer Tales and the South.