Астана: КАМ Медиапринт, 2013. – 316 бет. ISBN 978-601-80211-4-5
Бұл «Тілашар» қазақ, ағылшын, орыс тілін үйренушілерге қажетті оқу
құралы ретінде «Interactiv Kazakhstan» компаниясының базасында
әзірленді. Құрал «сөйлейтін» қаламның көмегімен дыбысталады.
The present pocket book aims specially at helping the foreign
visitor to Kazakhstan who does not know Russian and Kazakh to
explain what he wants, ask questions and make requests. The book
consists of some short information about the republic. Its first
section is composed of words and expressions likely to be needed on
first acquaintance. Subsequent sections deal with other specific
subjects. For the convenience of the reader it has minimum
explanations about the Russian and the Kazakh sound-systems and
their alphabets. The Russian letters in brackets and preceded by a
hyphen indicate the feminine ending. Naturally, the phrase-book
cannot claim to provide for every occasion and situation. The
publishers and the compilers will be grateful for any opinion that
maybe offered.