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Zakharin M.I., Zakharin F.M. Kinematics of Inertial Navigation Systems
National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Washington, D. C., December 1970. — 239 p.
Перевод книги М. И. Захарин, Ф. М. Захарин. Кинематика инерциальных систем навигации на английский язык.
Some Information Conceing the Figure of the Earth and the Acceleration of Gravity
The Kinematics of Inertial Navigation Systems with a Platform Stabilized in the Earth Coordinate System
The Kinematics of an Inertial Navigation System with a Platform Stabilized in Inertial Space
The Kinematics of an Inertial Navigation System without a Stabilized Platform
A Comparative Analysis of the Kinematics of Inertial Navigation Systems