John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd, 2010. - 312 pages.
Bayesian inference is a statistical process that quanti?es the degree of belief of hypothesis, events or values of parameters. Many Bayesian methods have been developed in various areas of science and engineering, especially in statistical physics, medical sciences, electrical engineering, and information sciences, etc. This book presents various applications in civil engineering, including air quality prediction, ?nite-element model updating, hydraulic jump, seismic attenuation relationship, and structural health monitoring, etc.
Bayesian inference is a statistical process that quanti?es the degree of belief of hypothesis, events or values of parameters. Many Bayesian methods have been developed in various areas of science and engineering, especially in statistical physics, medical sciences, electrical engineering, and information sciences, etc. This book presents various applications in civil engineering, including air quality prediction, ?nite-element model updating, hydraulic jump, seismic attenuation relationship, and structural health monitoring, etc.