Sterling. 2005. — 171 pages.
Книга для любителей выпиливания. 80 чертежей автомобилей, животных,
птиц, динозавров, зданий, людей, часов, полочек, шкатулок и др.
How do the best scrollsawyers work, and what kinds of designs do
they like to use? Wood magazine has gathered its finest techniques
and projects in a patte collection that any woodworker will
treasure. Take these 80 pattes of animals and autos, birds and
buildings, people and places and either follow the projects exactly
as shown, incorporate the designs into a different piece, or do
some clever mixing and matching. Choose from a selection of frames
(flower, fretwork, firehouse); clocks; shelves; playtime cutouts;
artistic and practical pieces (handsome hangers, a desk set);
timeless trims; and many more. There’s plenty of advice on
adjusting the patte size, making them stick to the wood, choosing
and using materials, keeping the equipment in top shape, and
working correctly and safely.