Презентация включает в себя 25 слайдов по теме:
William Shakespeare. The greatest English poet and dramatist.
The appearance of the house is the same as it looked at that time.
The Globe Theatre
Romeo and Juliet- an optimistic tragedy. Staged in all kinds of theatres
King Lear
Сонет № 20
СОНЕТ № 37
William Shakespeare died in 1616
George Gordon Byron 1788-1824
William Shakespeare. The greatest English poet and dramatist.
The appearance of the house is the same as it looked at that time.
The Globe Theatre
Romeo and Juliet- an optimistic tragedy. Staged in all kinds of theatres
King Lear
Сонет № 20
СОНЕТ № 37
William Shakespeare died in 1616
George Gordon Byron 1788-1824