Springer-Verlag, 2007. - 163 p.
Этот труд будет представлять большой интерес для широкого круга
специалистов-практиков в дисциплинах, связанных с неонатальной
неврологией, включая радиологов-педиатров. Эта книга заполняет
существенный пробел в современной литературе, предлагая
исчерпывающее описание заболеваний, которые могут послужить
причиной семейной трагедии по всему миру. Транскраниальное УЗИ дает
информацию о созревании мозга доношенных и недоношенных
новорожденных и позволяет обнаруживать аномалии мозга у этой группы
пациентов. После начала применения МРТ у новорожденных,
транскраниальному УЗИ уделялось относительно мало внимания. Хотя
современные учебники о патологических состояниях мозга
новорожденных доступны, однако в них зачастую отсутствуют
ультразвуковые изображения достаточно высокого качества.Данный труд
посвящен основам транскраниального УЗИ у новорожденных и может быть
использован как справочник с предоставлением полезной и важной
информации о порядке проведения транскраниального УЗИ и о
нормальной анатомии мозга новорожденных.
The Cranial Ultrasound Procedure
Cranial Ultrasonography: Advantages and Aims
Advantages of Cranial Ultrasonography
Aims of Neonatal Cranial Ultrasonography
Cranial Ultrasonography: Technical Aspects
Ultrasound Machine
Data Management
Sonographer and Safety Precautions
Performing Cranial Ultrasound Examinations
Standard Views
Coronal Planes
Sagittal Planes
Supplemental Acoustic Windows
Posterior Fontanel
Temporal Windows
Mastoid Fontanels
Doppler Flow Measurements
Indications for Scanning Through Supplemental Windows
Assessing Cranial Ultrasound Examinations
Assessing Cranial Ultrasound Examinations
A Systematic Approach to Detect Cerebral Pathology
Measurement of the Lateral Ventricles
Timing of Ultrasound Examinations
Timing of Ultrasound Examinations
Ultrasound Screening Programme
Cranial Ultrasonography at Term Corrected Age
Adaptations of Ultrasound Examinations, Depending on Diagnosis
Indications for Ultrasonography at Term Corrected Age
Classification of Peri- and Intraventricular Haemorrhage, Periventricular Leukomalacia, and White Matter Echogenicity
Scoring Systems
Classification of Peri- and Intraventricular Haemorrhage
Classification of Periventricular Leukomalacia
Classification of Periventricular White Matter Echogenicity
Limitations of Cranial Ultrasonography and Recommendations for MRI
Limitations of Cranial Ultrasonography
Role of MRI
Conditions in Which MRI Contributes to Diagnosis and/or Prognosis
Role of CT
Indications for Neonatal MRI Examinations
Maturational Changes of the Neonatal Brain
Maturational Processes
Cell Migration
Germinal Matrix Involution
Deep Grey Matter Changes
Changes in Cerebrospinal Fluid Spaces
Further Reading
Ultrasound Anatomy of the Neonatal Brain
Coronal Planes
Sagittal Planes
Posterior Fontanel
Temporal Window
Mastoid Fontanel
Legends of Corresponding Numbers in Ultrasound Scans
Subject Index
The Cranial Ultrasound Procedure
Cranial Ultrasonography: Advantages and Aims
Advantages of Cranial Ultrasonography
Aims of Neonatal Cranial Ultrasonography
Cranial Ultrasonography: Technical Aspects
Ultrasound Machine
Data Management
Sonographer and Safety Precautions
Performing Cranial Ultrasound Examinations
Standard Views
Coronal Planes
Sagittal Planes
Supplemental Acoustic Windows
Posterior Fontanel
Temporal Windows
Mastoid Fontanels
Doppler Flow Measurements
Indications for Scanning Through Supplemental Windows
Assessing Cranial Ultrasound Examinations
Assessing Cranial Ultrasound Examinations
A Systematic Approach to Detect Cerebral Pathology
Measurement of the Lateral Ventricles
Timing of Ultrasound Examinations
Timing of Ultrasound Examinations
Ultrasound Screening Programme
Cranial Ultrasonography at Term Corrected Age
Adaptations of Ultrasound Examinations, Depending on Diagnosis
Indications for Ultrasonography at Term Corrected Age
Classification of Peri- and Intraventricular Haemorrhage, Periventricular Leukomalacia, and White Matter Echogenicity
Scoring Systems
Classification of Peri- and Intraventricular Haemorrhage
Classification of Periventricular Leukomalacia
Classification of Periventricular White Matter Echogenicity
Limitations of Cranial Ultrasonography and Recommendations for MRI
Limitations of Cranial Ultrasonography
Role of MRI
Conditions in Which MRI Contributes to Diagnosis and/or Prognosis
Role of CT
Indications for Neonatal MRI Examinations
Maturational Changes of the Neonatal Brain
Maturational Processes
Cell Migration
Germinal Matrix Involution
Deep Grey Matter Changes
Changes in Cerebrospinal Fluid Spaces
Further Reading
Ultrasound Anatomy of the Neonatal Brain
Coronal Planes
Sagittal Planes
Posterior Fontanel
Temporal Window
Mastoid Fontanel
Legends of Corresponding Numbers in Ultrasound Scans
Subject Index