Schiffer Publishing, Ltd, 1998 г. , 52 стр.
Naturally, such a comprehensive theme as German radar systems
cannot be covered in detail within the framework of this book.
Our primary goulis to present to interested reader with an overview
of those ground-based radar systems operated by the Luftwaffe up to
1945. Accordingly, the main focus is on equipment operated by the Flak
for air defense, on fighter direction and air control systems and on
equipment used for protecting civilian centers.
Naturally, such a comprehensive theme as German radar systems
cannot be covered in detail within the framework of this book.
Our primary goulis to present to interested reader with an overview
of those ground-based radar systems operated by the Luftwaffe up to
1945. Accordingly, the main focus is on equipment operated by the Flak
for air defense, on fighter direction and air control systems and on
equipment used for protecting civilian centers.