Academic Press, 1989 - 298 p.
Concentrators and Their Uses
Some Basic Ideas in Geometrical Optics
Some Designs of Image-Forming Concentrators
Nonimaging Concentrators: The Compound Parabolic Concentrator
Developments and Modifications of the Basic Compound Parabolic Concentrator
Developments of the Compound Parabolic Concentrator for Nonplane Absorbers
Flowline Approach to Nonimaging Concentration
Physical Optics Aspects of Concentrators and Collectors
Shape Tolerances and Manufacturing Methods for Nonimaging Optical Components
Applications to Solar Energy Concentration
Illumination of Optical Systems and Instruments
Derivation and Explanation of the Etendue Invariant, Including the Dynamical Analogy; Derivation of the Skew Invariant
The Impossibility of Designing a "Perfect" Imaging Optical System: The Corresponding Nonimaging Problem
The Luneburg Lens
The Geometry of the Basic Compound Parabolic Concentrator
The ?i/?o Concentrator
The Concentrator Design for Skew Rays
The Truncated Compound Parabolic Concentrator
The Differential Equation for the 2D Concentrator Profile with Nonplane Absorber
Deriving a Formula for Generalized Radiance
Skew Rays in Hyperboloid Concentrator
Sine Relation for Hyperboloid Lens Concentrator
Concentrators and Their Uses
Some Basic Ideas in Geometrical Optics
Some Designs of Image-Forming Concentrators
Nonimaging Concentrators: The Compound Parabolic Concentrator
Developments and Modifications of the Basic Compound Parabolic Concentrator
Developments of the Compound Parabolic Concentrator for Nonplane Absorbers
Flowline Approach to Nonimaging Concentration
Physical Optics Aspects of Concentrators and Collectors
Shape Tolerances and Manufacturing Methods for Nonimaging Optical Components
Applications to Solar Energy Concentration
Illumination of Optical Systems and Instruments
Derivation and Explanation of the Etendue Invariant, Including the Dynamical Analogy; Derivation of the Skew Invariant
The Impossibility of Designing a "Perfect" Imaging Optical System: The Corresponding Nonimaging Problem
The Luneburg Lens
The Geometry of the Basic Compound Parabolic Concentrator
The ?i/?o Concentrator
The Concentrator Design for Skew Rays
The Truncated Compound Parabolic Concentrator
The Differential Equation for the 2D Concentrator Profile with Nonplane Absorber
Deriving a Formula for Generalized Radiance
Skew Rays in Hyperboloid Concentrator
Sine Relation for Hyperboloid Lens Concentrator